Animation links

Ø Touch Links   

                           We use touch links or symbols that you want to be “touch sensetive “ in runtime.

There are three types of User Input touch links:

·       Discrete 
                      Used to control the value of a discrete tagname. When this link is activated, a dialog box appears prompting the operator to make a selection.

·       Analog  
                      Used to input the value of an analog (integer or real) tagname.When the link is activated, an input box appears and the value may be entered from the standard keyboard or an optional onscreen or keypad.

·       String 
                    Used to create an object into which a string message may be input.

Ø Fill / line / Text Color

·       Discrete
                    Used to control the fill ,line, and text colors attributes of an object or symbol that is linked to the value of a discrete expression.for example:- it is used in switches.

·       Analog
                    The line , fill and text color of an object or symbol can be linked to the value of an analog tag name or an analog expression , five value ranges are defined by specifying four breakpoints . Five different colors can be selected which will be displayed as the value range changes.  ex:- it is used for filling tank.

·       Discrete alarms 
                        The text, line, and fill color of an object can all be linked to the alarm state of a tagname, Alarm Group, or Group Variable. This color link allows a choice of two colors; one for the normal state and one for the alarm state of the tagname. This link can be used for both analog and discrete tagnames. If it is used with an analog tagname, it responds to any alarm condition of the tagname.

·       Analog Alarm  
                        The text, line, and fill color of an object can all be linked to the alarm state of an analog tagname, Alarm Group, or Group Variable. Allows a specific color to be set for the normal state as well as a separate color for each alarm condition defined for the tagname.

Ø Slider (Vertical /Horizontal)

                                  We use Slider Touch Links to create objects or symbols that can be moved around the window with the mouse or other pointing devices such as a finger on a touch screen. As the object or symbol is moved, it alters the value of the tagname linked to it. This provides the ability to create devices for setting values in the system.
·       An object may have a horizontal or a vertical slider touch link, or both. By using both links on a single object, the value of two analog tagnames can be altered simultaneously..As shown in figure you have to give the tagname then reference location form where you want to move the object.

·       In Value you have to select the value of controller of object,at which value you have to move object.

·       In  horizontal/vertical  movement you have to select the distance that how much the object can move

Ø Object Size

                            You use Object Size links to vary the height and/or width of an object according to the value of an analog (integer or real) tagname or analog expression. Size links provide the ability to control the direction in which the object enlarges in height and/or width by setting the "anchor" for the link. Both height and width links can be attached to the same object.

Ø  Location

                    We use Location Links to make an object automatically move horizontally, vertically , or in both directions in response to changes in the value of an analog tag name or expression.

·       In Value you have to select the value of controller of object,at which value you have to move object.

·       In  horizontal/vertical  movement you have to select the distance that how much the object can move

Ø Miscellaneous

·       Visiblity 
                          Use to control the visibility of an object based on the value of a discrete tagname or expression.

·       Blink  
                    Used to make an object blink based on the value of a discrete tag name or expression.

·       Orientation 
                           Used to make an object rotate based on the value of a tag name or expression.

·       Disable 
                      Used to disable the touch functionality of objects based on the value of a tag name or expression.

Ø Percent Fill Links

                            You use Percent Fill Links to provide the ability to vary the fill level of a filled shape (or a symbol containing filled shapes) according to the value of an analog tagname or an expression that computes to an analog value. For example, this link may be used to show the level of liquids in a vessel. An object or symbol may have a horizontal fill link, a vertical fill link, or both

Ø Touch pushbutton

                          You use Touch Pushbutton Touch Links to create object links that immediately perform an operation when clicked with the mouse or touched (when touch screen is being used). These operations can be Discrete Value Changes, Action Script executions, Show or Hide Window commands. There are four types of Touch Pushbutton links:

Discrete Value 
                        Used to make any object or symbol into a pushbutton that controls the state of a discrete tagname. Pushbutton actions can be set, reset, toggle, momentary on (direct) and momentary off (reverse) types.

                               Allows any object, symbol or button to have up to three different action scripts linked to it; On Down, While Down and On Up. Action scripts can be used to set tagnames to specific values, show and/or hide windows, start and control other applications, execute functions, and so on.

Show Window 
                               Used to make an object or symbol into a button that opens one or more windows when it is clicked or touched.

Hide Window 
                           Used to make an object or symbol into a button that closes one or more windows when it is clicked or touched.

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